Featured in the podcast “Een duifvriendelijke stad” (Dutch).
Studio Stadmaken during Stadmakerscongres ’24, on homelessness & hostile architecture in Rotterdam (Dutch).
September ’24: Strippin’ Rotterdam, a collaboration with de Strip Architects (English).
September ’24: Strippin’ Rotterdam, a collaboration with de Strip Architects (English).
April ’24: guest in the RTM XL Podcast : on #bankjesgate, urban (in)hospitality in Rotterdam and more (Dutch).
March ’24: Keynote lecture for the Public Space Academy about urban hospitality (English).
February ’24: featured in an article on hostile architecture in the Dutch national newspaper ‘De Volkskrant’.
December ’23: appearance in a news item about hostile architecture on Dutch television.
June ’23: Mini-lecture about urban (in)hospitality during the monthly Talkshow Rotterdam Late Night. For more information, click here.
February ’23: featured in an article on hostile architecture in the Dutch Magazine ‘Vrij Nederland’.
January ’23: featured in an item on hostile architecture and homelessness on the Dutch news site Brandpunt.
June ’22: discussion (in English) about ‘The Public Space Paradox’ in the series ‘Designing Cities for All’ curated by Pakhuis de Zwijger: To watch the recording click here.
September ’21: interview about the Public Space Detective Project in the leading Dutch Architectural magazine ‘de Architect’. The interview was accompanied by a podcast (in Dutch).