We Love Public Space Festival
Floor is one of the founding partners of the international ‘We Love Public Space’ Festival, together with Bas Sala (designer) and Ron Blom (artist). The objective of this annual event is to address urgent topics in public space, in both an inspiring way and setting.
For more information visit www.welovepublicspace.com
Pop-up Bus Stop

The Pop-Up Bus Stop (PUB) is a temporary bus stop designed for use during detours caused bij roadworks or public events. It is a striking object in public space, offering the possibility to inform the public about the reason for the detour or the programming of an event.
With this entry we won the first edition of ‘Slim OV-idee’; a competition organized by the Metropolitan Region Rotterdam/The Hague, focused on harvesting ideas to improve public transport in the region. In collaboration with Studio Bas Sala.
For a complete portfolio take a look at www.ontwerpwerkplaats.nl.